"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Aesop
Dear Sewing Sensations,
Maryland seems to be one of the safer states to live in just now, doesn’t it? Thank you to our state and local leaders and to all who are helping to keep us safe by wearing masks and social distancing! It really makes a difference.
Mask-making is still a popular and useful pastime. I don’t see us not wearing masks for quite some time. Kat found a great pattern at Orange Dot Quilts. It takes some patience to learn how to fold it, but once you’ve got one made, you’ll find it is a very comfortable and roomy mask, easy to breathe in. Do watch the YouTube video; there are shortcuts and tips in there that are excellent. Kat's modification to the pattern was to eliminate the batting and add a layer of lightweight interfacing. She found another pattern that has a clear vinyl window, so that people can still see your mouth and lips. So helpful if you need to communicate with a Deaf person!
I came in early yesterday to write this newsletter, fill orders, and do some other chores around the shop before it got busy at 11, only to find that the internet was down. It remained down for over an hour while I hung on to the phone with Comcast. The technician fiddled with the modem endlessly; finally she just told me to unplug the darn thing, wait 30 seconds, and plug it back in. Voila! Internet restored.
This internet-down experience happens from time to time, and it is always worrisome. Without the internet, there is no online shopping, no registers, no mail. Can you imagine life without the internet? We used to live that way and I suppose we would again if we had to, but life sure would be different! Slower for sure; maybe that is not such a bad thing.
We really and truly appreciate your patronage and your patience through this pandemic. You are the best customers ever! Thank you.
Go ‘n’ Piece, Alison
IN-STORE SHOPPING AT CAPITAL QUILTS In-person shopping in the store proper is by appointment only. Make your appointment on the home page of our website, www.capitalquilts.com. Each appointment is 20 minutes long; if you need longer, add a second consecutive appointment to the cart. You may bring 1 or 2 fellow shoppers with you. Don’t forget to check out, even thought there is no charge for the appointment. Checking out confirms your appointment and enters your name in the calendar.
If you are unable to come to your appointment, please let us know so that we can fill that time slot.
Please be aware of the time while you are shopping. We will give you a heads up when you are nearing the end of your appointment. We need a few minutes to clean for the next shopper.
Don’t forget to wear a mask THAT FITS, which is to say you don’t have to keep tugging it up over your nose. Every time you touch your mask, you risk getting virus on your hands and spreading it that way. Have you seen the video that shows how different kinds of masks contain virus molecules that you exhale when you cough? Bandana-type masks were the worst, surgical masks were better, and homemade masks were the best! They hardly let any particles out at all. Unfortunately, the newscaster didn’t say what kind of fabric the mask was made of or whether there was a filter inside of it.
Please remember that you have a responsibility to the greater community to not come into the shop if you are feeling sick in any way at all. There is no way to distinguish COVID symptoms from even the beginning of a cold or an upset tummy, so it is better to just stay home until you are well again.
Please note that we are not accepting walk-in customers yet! You must have an appointment to enter the shop. We are doing this to control the number of people in the shop at one time. It also gives people who are vulnerable to the virus a chance to come into the shop when no one else is here. I encourage you to continue shopping in our website store, open 24-7. Both curbside pickup and shipping are still options.
Thank you for helping us help you!
CAPITAL QUILTS CARES A local ICU doctor (and CQ customer!) has requested scrub caps for the ICU staff. She says that her mother made her one, and she loves it! She made a few more for herself, and knowing what a lift it gives her, is hoping to share the love. There is no restriction on the pattern to use, but she likes Milly's Tie Scrub Hat Pattern from Brimming with Love. It's a woman's hat with enough room to tuck long hair up into. Twelve Bees has a great video and pattern for making a men's scrub hat. (Not necessarily men, but for people with short hair.) 2 hats from just a hair over a 1/3 of a yard. (12.5 inches)
We also have free pillowcase kits available that you can sew at home. They are a wonderful beginner project to do with children. The kiddos will learn some sewing skills and stay busy, too! We can mail them to you or you can pick them up curbside. Return the finished pillowcases to the shop (when you can; there is no rush), and we will donate them to Ryan’s Case for Smiles when the appropriate time comes.
Small Kennel Quilts are always accepted for donation. These small quilts are sent to shelters and rescues all over the country, and are a great beginner project, or a way to practice your free motion quilting skills.
NAVIGATING THE ONLINE STORE For those of you who are computer-challenged, click here for a quick tutorial on getting to and through our online shop using a laptop or desktop computer. (Smart phones and tablet screens may vary.)
We have had a few people call to say that they are having trouble getting PayPal to work or to make a selection or are having other issues when they use the Capital Quilts online store. If this happens to you, try refreshing your browser. That often solves the problem. Don’t forget to click on “I am not a robot”, too. If you continue to have a problem, please contact the shop at 301-527-0598.
MAKING MASKS We have all made a mask or two (or 50, or 200, or…), and would like to share our favorite patterns, and some tips and tricks we’ve discovered along the way. Click here for all the details! (By the way, some of our customers are now offering completed masks for sale on our website, if you aren't interested in sewing one yourself.)
Mask Kits for personal use: Kits are currently available! They contain all the materials (pre-cut fabric, twist ties for nose wires, cotton twill tape for fabric ties, and pattern with tips and tricks) required to make either 5 or 10 at a time. These kits are not intended to be used to make masks for donating to medical facilities, but are perfect for the “shoppers’ masks” now required to be worn in public in our area. Click here to order.
 Timeless Treasures has sent us twenty pretty pastel batiks. Tonga Wish sells for $13.99 per yard. Look for pre-cuts in the near future!
We're getting in new mask-making supplies! New this week: adjustable soft elastic cords in black or white. Package of 10, $6.99.
We now have 1/4" elastic in colors! Sold in 3-yard packages, a wide variety of colors are available. $3.99 per package.
In addition to the aluminum, adhesive-backed nose pieces, we now have plastic nose pieces with wire top and bottom. Package of 20 for $5.99.

ACCUQUILT June 1-30 Save $100 via mail-in rebate when you purchase either the GO! Big or the Ready. Set. GO! fabric cutters!
  Through July 15th, take 15% off GO! dies (some exclusions apply). Please call the shop to place this order. You won’t be able to take the discount online.
HANDI QUILTER Handi Quilter is hosting Facebook Live broadcasts called Handi Quilter Shop@Home. The broadcasts air at noon on Tuesdays. They will feature different products each week. This week they are featuring the HQ Secret Drawers. Next week the topic will be Dueling Handi Feet: Couching vs. Echo. Receive 15% off the Conversion Kit. The special pricing offers end at midnight on the following Sunday.
Have you been following the “And I Quilt” series on the Handi Quilter website? These are life stories by women who have careers such as pilot, hockey player, school principal and more and they are also quilters. They are very interesting and easy and fun to watch. Check them out at www.handiquilter.com/andiquilt. From July 3-27, get the Little Buddy Kit on sale for $425 during Kelsey Cooley’s campaign.
JANOME We are able to accept your sewing machines for cleaning and tune-ups. To take advantage of this service, go to our website and sign up for machine repair. Bring your machine to the shop. We will take it in and wipe it down with a disinfectant (safe for sewing machines). We will let you know it is ready for pick-up and wipe it down again before we give it to you. Our technicians are working as quickly as they can, but both have essential day jobs. Machine servicing wait time is currently estimated at 2-3 weeks after drop-off.
Meet the Janome 1600P-QC: This is a high-speed (1600 stitches per minute) aluminum body heavy duty machine. It has one stitch: the straight stitch. Think of all the masks you could knock out with this machine! It has a built in thread cutter, built in needle threader, a side loading metal bobbin, and an ergonomic knee lifter. A presser foot sensor prevents you from sewing with the presser foot in the up position. Nearly 9” to the right of the needle makes this an ideal machine for finishing quilts. A dust cover is included.
Regular price: $1,499 Capital Quilts price: $1,149