Capital Quilts offers edge-to-edge longarm quilting services. Fees may vary according to the size of the quilt and complexity of the design.
We also have a list of both hand and machine quilters in the area.
- Edge-to-edge quilting: begins at $0.025 per square inch
- Custom quilting begins at $0.05 per square inch
- Binding:
- Machine attached, customer finishes: $2.50 per linear foot
- Machine attached, machine finished: $3.50 per linear foot
- Machine attached, hand finished: $4.50 per linear foot
- Miscellaneous services: $10.00/15 minutes
There is a $70 minimum fee for any quilting project.
Click here to see the library of Edge-to Edge quilting patterns.
Click here to print the QUILT DROP-OFF RECORD and bring the completed form to the shop with your quilt top, batting, and backing.
- Need it in a week? There is a surcharge of 75% of the total fee.
- Need it in 2 weeks? There is a surcharge of 50% of the total fee.
What Size is the Quilt?
- Twin size or queen size means different things to different people.
- We need to know the exact measurements: Length by width, in order to provide a cost estimate.
Condition of the Quilt Top
- You should "square up" your quilt top before coming to an intake appointment.
- Make sure you have trimmed the loose threads from the backside of the quilt top.
- Please do not add any quilt embellishments on the quilt top prior to quilting. These would include but are not limited to dimensional applique, yo-yo’s, buttons, crystals, etc. Save these for attaching after the quilt has been quilted.
- If your quilt top has biased edges, please stay stitch along the edge of the quilt top to prevent stretching.
- Make sure all seams are intact. Seams that are not intact can be ripped open by the hopping foot of the longarm machine and irreparably damage your quilt.
Backing Fabric
- If you haven’t purchased your backing fabric, please note that we require 5 extra inches of backing fabric on each side. If your quilt top is 60 x 60, your backing will be 70 x 70. This is necessary for properly attaching the quilt backing to the longarm machine.
- If you already have your backing fabric and it does not have the required 5 extra inches on each edge, you can add additional strips of fabric (muslin for example) to correct the shortage. Please square up the edges.
- If you must piece your backing fabric to fit the measurement requirements, make sure you remove all selvage edges; use at least a ½” seam allowance and press open; try to run your seams horizontally rather than vertically; and press your backing well.
- If you are unable to piece your backing fabric to the proper specifications, discuss options with the quilter before leaving your quilt to determine additional costs.
- If your backing fabric is directional, or has been pieced to be directional, please pin a note to the top side of the backing AND make a notation on the intake form.
- Batting must be 5 inches larger than your quilt top on all edges. In other words, the same size as the backing fabric.
- Batting should be of good quality. It should not pull apart with light tugging.
- Capital Quilts can provide you with quality batting. We carry Quilter’s Dream batting. It is available in Cotton, Poly, Wool, Blends, and more.
- Omni or Glide Thread is provided free of charge by Capital Quilts
- Thread is available in a multitude of colors. Ask to see the color chart if necessary.
- Other thread brands may be used, if approved by the quilter. You will be responsible for purchasing them.
Your longarm quilter will be looking for all of the above preparations. She may ask you to take your quilt top home to fix something. This is perfectly normal, and happens often. We reserve the right to refuse a quilt that the longarm quilter feels will not quilt easily due to construction or other issues.