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PT- Asagail
PT- Color Mittens
PT- Dash In the Box
PT- Eye of the Storm
PT- Gallant
PT- Ghost Town
PT- Hopscotch Happy
PT- Illusion
PT- Increase
PT- Joyful Trio
PT- Lantern Hill
PT- Mirror, Mirror
PT- Mod Flower Box
PT- Moonwake
PT- Native
PT- On the Square
PT- Piedmont
PT- Shades of Gray
PT- Simply Squared
PT- Smidge
Pt- Space Invaders Pattern
PT- Split Decision
PT- Star Of Valor
PT- Steps and Slides
PT- Third Time Around
PT- Town Square by Amanda Murphy
PT- Town Square Garden
PT- Triangle Peaks Quilt Pattern
PT- Turnstyle
PTN- Artisan Squares